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To: Residents and Businesses of Phillipsburg and Alpha
From: Chief Robert Stettner
Re: Surveillance Camera Registration


The Phillipsburg Police Department is asking residents and businesses of the towns to opt in to register their surveillance systems with the Phillipsburg Police Department.

This program is completely voluntary, and you may rescind your participation at any time. We are implementing this program to foster a closer working relationship with the residents of Phillipsburg and Alpha with your police department. No fees are associated with this program, and your participation is voluntary and confidential.

Registering your information does not provide the Phillipsburg Police Department with direct access to your camera system, and you may delete your registration at any time. The Police Department will keep your personal information confidential unless subject to disclosure by a court order. Your information, with your permission, will be accessed by law enforcement personnel investigating a crime in the vicinity of your camera's location.

You will only be contacted by the Phillipsburg Police Department in the future if there is a criminal incident in the vicinity of your security camera. Police personnel, if necessary, may request a copy of any video captured by your camera, which may assist them in investigating a crime or criminal activity.

This program aims to deter crime and promote public safety through collaboration between the Phillipsburg Police Department and the communities we serve. If you wish to participate, please complete the following registration form.


We appreciate your contribution to making Phillipsburg a safer community. 
Robert Stettner-Chief of Police

Surveillance Cameras
Amber Alert

Amber Alert


The Phillipsburg Police Department participates in the national Amber Alert program.  The Amber Alert program broadcasts through a variety of media and social alerts including road signs when a serious child abduction or kidnapping is suspected.  You can learn more about Amber Alerts by visiting 


You can learn more about Missing & Exploited Children by visiting the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at  

Car Seat Safety


The Phillipsburg Police Department employs one officer for properly installing car seats.  Infants should be properly secured in a vehicle and the Phillipsburg Police Department is interested in promoting car seat safety.  Therefore, anyone having questions regarding the installation of a car seat should call the Police Department to learn more about the hours available for car seat safety inspection.  

Car Seat Safety

L.E.A.D. - Law Enforcement Against Drugs


LEAD’S VISION - To create safer, healthier communities free of drugs, bullying, and violence One of the many tools the Phillipsburg Police Offers uses to help prevent crime is the LEAD program. LEAD provides the leadership, resources and management to ensure law enforcement agencies have the means to partner with our educators, community leaders, and families by providing proven and effective programs to deter youth, and adults from drug use, drug related crimes, bullying and violence. We are committed to reinforcing the mutual respect, goodwill and relations between law enforcement and their communities. 

The Phillipsburg Police has two LEAD instructors, who have completed mandated certification process with instruction from the NJ State Police Education Training Unit. LEAD officers provide this service in Phillipsburg School District, the Alpha School, and Saints Philip & James School located in Phillipsburg.  LEAD Instructors present the curriculum during the school days and are able to interact with children.  The importance of this program will help children to lead safe and healthy lives.



The Phillipsburg Police Department obtains numerous Fraud complaints a year.  Identity Theft is of a major concern.   All Identity Thefts should be reported promptly. For extra precautions please refer to the New Jersey State Police Victim’s Reference Guide.

NJSP Identity Theft Victim's Reference Guide CLICK HERE

There has also been a rise in telephone scams or internet scams.  You should always remember if it is too good to be true it probably is.  When dealing with Pay Pal, Craigslist, or other sites and you feel like it may be a scam you should also contact your local police department.


Parent Resources:  Internet Safety

The Philipsburg Police Department shares a concern with all parents and guardians about the safety of children when using the Internet.  Some simple guidelines to increase safety for parents/guardians include:
•    Create easy to follow rules about computer use and have the computer in a public area
•    Talk to children about the importance of not providing personal information when on the Internet
•    Talk to children about not responding to email, chats, or other online communications that may be offensive and how to report that information to an adult and/or the police department 
For further information regarding internet safety, please visit the New Jersey State Police Website and review their Internet Safety Tips section.

The New Jersey State Police and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also has several resources to increase the safety of children when utilizing the Internet.  We encourage you to visit their websites, both the New Jersey State Police and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ( to increase knowledge and resources to help reduce Internet crime and increase the safety of children.

Internet Safety

Kid Print ID


The Phillipsburg Police Department has a Fingerprint ID program for children who reside in the Town of Phillipsburg.  The Kid Print ID badges provide some identification in the event a child is reported missing. The Kid Print ID is only available at public events and is offered as a service of the Phillipsburg Police Department.  Individual appointments are not possible.  However, the Phillipsburg Police Department will post information on the News/Events section alerting citizens of upcoming Kid Print ID opportunities.  The Phillipsburg Police Department is often at National Night Out in August, performing this service and other town festivals and events.  Citizens can also visit the Phillipsburg Police Department’s Facebook page for future Kid Print ID events.

Kid Print ID
Playgrond Prgram

The Town of Phillipsburg and Alpha are partnering with the Firth Youth Center to present,

Summer Playground Program 



Which Playgrounds will the program be at? In Phillipsburg, the FYC will host the Playground Program at Walters Park, Firth Playground, and Delaware Heights Playground. The FYC is excited to expand the Playground Program to Alpha Park/Pavilion this summer too!


For more info! The best way to obtain information from the Firth Youth Center is to subscribe to their weekly e-Newsletter under "About--> Contact" on their website. The Firth Youth Center is constantly adding new programs and sharing updates. 


Other questions about the Firth Youth Center? Call 908-454-7281!


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