Neighborhood Assignments

Zone Officer Email
1A Tyler Scott tscott@pburg.org
1B Chris Mecca cmecca@pburg.org
1C Brad Kisselbach bkisselbach@pburg.org
1D William Lance wlance@pburg.org
2A Timothy Burger tburger@pburg.org
2B James Stettner jstettner@pburg.org
2C Matt Sosnovik msosnovik@pburg.org
2D Colton Korbobo ckorbobo@pburg.org
2E Kevin Hulse khulse@pburg.org
2F Hector Vazquez hvazquez@pburg.org
2G Garrett Wolfinger gwolfinger@pburg.org
2H Brian Caffarelli bcaffarelli@pburg.org
3A Justin Koeller jkoeller@pburg.org
3B Kevin Cyphers kcyphers@pburg.org
3C Matthew Nugent mnugent@pburg.org
3D Vince Cicala vcicala@pburg.org
4A Dean Berrigan dberrigan@pburg.org
4B Michael Connaughton mconnaughton@pburg.org
4C Steven Fielding sfielding@pburg.org
4D Timothy Moore tmoore@pburg.org
4E Daryn Tinsman dtinsman@pburg.org
4F Marvin Widemond mwidemond@pburg.org
4G Brandon Hull bhull@pburg.org
ANNOUNCEMENT - September 13, 2022 Curfew Press Release
ANNOUNCEMENT - September 7, 2022 Accreditation Press Release
Welcome to the Phillipsburg Police Department website. As the Police Department continues to add new resources to the website, visitors should return to this website, and we encourage you to “Friend” us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Please bookmark the page so you can get up-to-date information on town announcements.
Phillipsburg Police Department
Recruitment Plan
As per the NJ Attorney General's directive, N.J.S.A. 52:17B-4.10, please review our documentation on promoting Diversity in hiring and recruiting: Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruitment and Hiring
The goal of the Phillipsburg Police Department Recruitment Plan is to attract qualified individuals to pursue a career with the Phillipsburg Police Department. The objective is to achieve an overall racial and gender composition of the police department in comparison to the service population of the Town through the department's recruiting activities. This agency will make a good faith effort to meet specific goals for recruiting a diverse workforce, in terms of people of color and gender diversity. The goals and objectives will be accomplished through various recruitment activities listed in the Recruitment Activities section of this plan.
The Town of Phillipsburg is a New Jersey Civil Service Commission jurisdiction and must adhere to New Jersey State Statutes and Administrative Code in its recruitment and selection process.
The Town of Phillipsburg has a residency preference. Applicants for a competitive exam must be a bona fide resident of Phillipsburg at the time of the closing date of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission Law Enforcement Test. Once Phillipsburg residents have been exhausted from the Civil Service Certification List, Warren County residents are then provided with preference. If the Warren County list is exhausted, applications will be open to residents of the State of New Jersey. Intergovernmental transfers and candidates on the Civil Service Rice list are eligible consistent with Civil Service rules and regulations
The Town of Phillipsburg is an equal opportunity employer in all facets of the personnel process.
The Chief of Police, or designee, is responsible for the administration of the Recruitment Plan.